Heat a pot over medium heat.
Once heated, sauté minced garlic with a pinch of sea salt for about 30 seconds. Careful not to burn.
Add the remaining water or broth and bring to a boil.
Place quinoa in a fine-meshed strainer. Rinse well under running water to remove the bitter coating (saponin). Rinse until water runs clear; drain well.
Add quinoa to the boiling liquid.
Reduce heat and simmer covered for 15 minutes. Don't overcook!
Remove from heat and let stand for covered for 5-10 minutes. Fluff with a fork. If any liquid remains, drain in a strainer.
Add hot quinoa and chopped beets into a large salad bowl. Mix well.
Add minced green onions, almonds, basil, olive oil and orange juice. Squeeze roasted garlic and combine all together.
Season with herbamare, sea salt and pepper to taste. Top with a homemade nut cheese or a soft goat/sheep cheese if desired.
Serve at room temperature.