You don’t have to spend a lot of money to eat real foods. In fact, you’ll be surprised to find out the opposite can be true. Packaged, prepared, brand names, imported foods, etc.—they’re all generally more expensive (whether organic or not) and can eat away at your budget.

Here are 10 simple, healthy shopping tips to get you well on your way to a healthier lifestyle, no matter what your dietary needs are.

  • Meal planning: Create four weekly meal plans with grocery lists and rotate them for several months, focusing on main meals only. Go through your recipes, family favourites or just Google it. Having a plan helps to prevent those last-minute order-in or eat-out decisions. I like to change them up seasonally.
  • Grow your own: Cherry tomatoes, herbs, lettuces and small peppers can be grown in small pots on your deck during the summer months.
  • Purchase whole chickens and cut it up yourself: Investing in a good pair of poultry scissors is a good idea.
  • Eat more balanced vegetarian meals 2-3 times weekly: Purchasing grass-fed meat, organic chicken and wild fish is very expensive. By mixing things up you can enjoy dishes from around the world and stretch your hard-earned dollar further.
  • Buy in bulk: You will save moulah while doing your share of reducing waste by avoiding packaging. Win win!
  • Eat more veggies: Filling up half of your plate with veggies and a healthy serving of good fat (extra virgin cold-pressed olive oil, mixed nuts, etc.) is a great way to satisfy your appetite.
  • Join a food co-op: Local Food and Farm Co-op
  • Eat seasonally and locally whenever possible: Foods are most nutrient-dense and cheaper at this time.
  • Stock up your freezer: Cooking in bulk and freezing can save you precious time and money!
  • Shop smart: Check out weekly grocery store flyers and don’t shop when hungry!!


Schedule a one-on-one consultation with me today!

Mary McIntyre