I am a big foodie and absolutely love to cook. Combining this passion with another of mine, nutrition, was one of the best things I ever did.
I'm also a realistic, not a perfectionist. I don't believe in feeling guilty or being an extremist. I am not vegetarian or vegan and I don't always eat gluten- or diary-free, nor is everything I buy organic. I love dark chocolate, good wine, whole foods and playing at the supermarket, farmers market, in my garden and in my kitchen.
When I'm not being a foodie, I enjoy music, dancing, golfing, baseball, yoga, zumba, jogging in nature, travelling and socializing with friends and family.
I want to share my passion for eating holistically and living mindfully with as many people as I can reach.
Holistic Nutrition and mindfully eating are not fad diets; it's a way of life and encompasses your whole person and enjoying the moment to the fullest. It goes beyond what you put on your plate, counting calories, macros and exercising.
It's about learning to treat your body with compassion and kindness rather than obsessing over food. It also brings people together. And it sparks good conversations, laughter and lifts our spirit. It nourishes ALL of you!
Over the years, I have helped hundreds of clients become unstuck, improve their energy, their mood, overcome digestive issues, inflammation, food allergies and other intolerances in order to balance hormones, metabolism and blood sugar levels, as well as to support the body's natural cleansing process and make peace with their plate.
All with focusing on what can you add to your plate rather than what you need to take away to support your life and gut health better!
Imagine the changes to our health system if we all turned inwards more instead of looking at what's out there that will fix me!
My philosophy is simple: To meet you where you are at, help you let go of any negative connotations you may have towards enjoying your food (be it deliciously sinful or not) and to teach you how to build trust to meet your body's energy and wellness needs. And maintain your health from within.
We do that by getting to the root causes of your issues through one-on-one consultations (either in person or online), utilizing a variety of tools, from in-depth questionnaires and other medical/nutritional data.
I then offer realistic solutions involving mindful eating practices, big-picture planning that includes setting value centered goals with an easy system to know where to put your energy so you can consistently move the needle weekly towards them. menu planning, nutrition and supplementation education, "real food" preparation tips, coaching, special needs diets and more!
All in an effort to create a greater sense of well-being and become unstuck .
Hi! My name is Mary McIntyre and I am the founder of
Eat Live Love.
My exposure to natural nutrition was under the mentorship of nationally acclaimed Carola Barczak of the renowned Nutrition Body Care in Yorkville, Toronto. Later, I faced my own personal experiences while helping a close family member overcome a life-threatening diagnosis and low survival rate of acute leukemia. It proved to be the pivotal turning point in my life.
That experience left me with a deep need to help others learn the power of 'eating, living and loving more in the moment.' I formalized my knowledge as a Registered Holistic Nutritionist, a Registered Nutritional Consulting Practitioner and a Registered Orthormolecular Health Practitioner. And am also an Honours graduate of the Canadian School of Natural Nutrition.
I advanced my studies in Live Cell Microscopy at the Institute of Holistic Nutrition and completed a professional Plant-Based Culinary program at Rouxbe which I loved! I was the Lead Nutritionist for over 6 years in a naturopathic clinic, during which time I was voted Burlington Post Readers' Choice Awards Top Nutritionist four years in a row. Creator of the 8 Week Group Nutrition Makeover, I was the Holistic Nutritionist for Town of Oakville for over 5 years and the Owner/ Director of Mary's Bodywise Holistic Nutrition Consulting. A feature writer in the National Post's Think Golf magazine and You Magazine, and have been guiding people towards a healthier lifestyle and holistic nutrition since 1985.
I am also a Certified Lifestyle Educator in First Line Therapy, a Certified Metabolic Balance Coach and Mindful Eating Coach and a Motivating Speaker & Wellness Writer.